Skype Learning

In order to access the student´s level of English, we apply the CAMBRIDGE SHORT TEST, at no extra cost.after the test, we interview the student and talk to HR – when need be- to define a program, set goals and deadline.

At BICSCHOOL we offer only closed mini groups or one to one classes- so the learning process is much faster and eficient.

Skype Learning

Skype learning is great for saving time. Classes are given via Skype so that no one has to go nowhere- you can have classes wherever you are – as long as you have a computer, laptop, tablet or even mobile and good wi-fi connection.

Classes may be held on regular days as in WISE LEARNING or as flexible as in FLEX LEARNING.

For more information, please contact– /

Phone: 55 (11)3819-1831 and 55(11)96290-5154 (whatsapp)


    Português é uma língua difícil, cheia de acentos e tempos verbais complicados! Mas também é uma língua alegre, muito legal e falada no principal sócio comercial da Argentina, o que representa também uma grande oportunidade de trabalho para todos nós. Espanhol e português são línguas que estão perto um da outra o que representa uma ajuda quando uma pessoa latina começa estudar português, pois rapidamente a pessoa consegue um nível aceitável para se comunicar.

    Iñaki Iriarte

    Since my classes started three months ago, I can notice that I’ve learned a lot in my Portuguese for Foreigners class. I Feel like I’m improving little by little every time. The classes help me in my daily life thanks to the method of teaching and due to a lot of patience from Claudia, my teacher.

    Manu Mathys